The battle of the sex titans. Cialis vs Viagra

Every day more and more men around the world are seeing doctors with an erectile dysfunction problem. But you shouldn`t worry about it, because this problem is treated very well with special medicaments, but it should be noted that a positive result will not happen immediately. But what should a man who wants to forget a weak erection do to achieve an almost instant effect? Every doctor has the answer to this question – you must start taking pills to improve potency, and Viagra or Cialis the most effective are among them.

So that a man reading this article can answer the question “Cialis or Viagra which one to choose?”, It is necessary to compare these two medicaments between them. So, let’s find out what’s best – Cialis or Viagra.


Every man in the world, even if he has not taken it personally, is sure to know the medicine of Viagra. It is recommended for men who have erectile dysfunction of varying severity. Viagra successfully eliminates the effects of impotence, which has both psychological and physiological causes. Therefore, we recommend or buy Viagra online, and you will increase your self-esteem and your male strength, or you can use standard therapy and maybe one day you will get a positive result.

How does Viagra work?

Viagra, or rather its main active ingredient, Sildenafil, promotes an erection. This substance makes the vessels in the pelvic region more elastic and improves blood flow to them. As a result, an erection is enough for full sexual intercourse.

The drug begins to have a positive effect after 40 minutes after taking it and continues to work for 4 to 5 hours.

How to take Viagra?

Viagra 50 or 100 is taken orally and washed down with enough water. During the day, i.e. within 24 hours, you cannot take more than 100 mg of sildenafil.


If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, you should buy Cialis. If you are sensitive to the main components of this medication, firstly consult your doctor. This medication cannot be taken by women, as well as young men under the age of 18.

When should you take Cialis?

Cialis should be taken immediately before intercourse, or rather 15-20 minutes before the scheduled start. Moreover, Cialis surprises men around the world with the duration of its effect on the body. Specifically, it helps a man maintain an erection for 36 hours.

Depending on the characteristics of your body, as well as the severity of the erectile dysfunction, your doctor may prescribe Cialis 20 mg or 10 mg, or even 5 mg for daily preventive use. But you must remember that you cannot take more than 20 mg per day

Cialis or Viagra which is better?

In truth, it is quite difficult to answer this question. It’s up to you. Your doctor will help you to make your choice. We strongly recommend that you consult your doctor before taking Viagra or Cialis.

As for differences between these drugs, they have common characteristics. If you read the Viagra or Cialis forum, where you can find reviews of men who have used these drugs, it becomes clear that neither drug is an aphrodisiac. Simply put, a man will not begin to be aroused without the presence of a natural sexual stimulus / stimulation, that is, without his soul mate. Therefore, you should not be afraid of spontaneous erections.

Don`t delay the solving of your intimate problems for a long time. Buy Viagra or Cialis in our online pharmacy. Here, selling Viagra or Cialis is available at the lowest prices and without a prescription. After placing an order on our site, you will receive your medication as soon as possible and, moreover, the package will be delivered everywhere in your country.

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